NOTE: If there are any problems with the download links please let me know in the comments below! XeXMenu 1.2 - mega.nz/#!9AlUmDZK!oykniipcx80kvuRxLaqY8NtPMJYKHW1ZYpqYfcAZsLAģ. Take note that you will need Jtag or Rgh on your Xbox 360 in order to run the XeXMenu 1.2.ġ.
This is a quick and really easy tutorial on how to download, install and use the XeXMenu 1.2 for the Xbox 360 using a USB stick. JTAG/RGH Tutorial #1 | How To Install XEX Menu 1.2 | #RGH #Xbox360 #JTag #Xexmenu #Dashlaunch #Modding #Homebrew ★ 30 Modded Korean PSN Vita Platinum Trophies!:

★ PS3/VITA Level 100 Trophy Shop: /itm/Modded-PlayStation-3-PlayStation-Vita-Platinum-Trophy-Service-Level-100/293047470568?hash=item443afd89e8:g:58MAAOSwKxVciS0I#shpCntId ★ 100 Japanese Platinum Trophies: /itm/100-Modded-Japanese-PSN-Vita-Platinum-Trophies/293059011140? ➤ Nagato Revenge: For making this guide and tutorial!

➤Dash_Launcher v3.21: mega.nz/#!Y80SFA6C!_Eaf-hwxKLGsiZeLA_SsGwUi-s-TYpT86youfMquPBg ➤ XexMenu 1.2: mega.nz/#!kltWwQJY!j3XW2ipsc0j2J3aSQ9JZZcISmgqPqVnQgBg7iY5GLzs ➤ /playlist?list=PLdqbw4wXYdQsw09zvEKWJ3fEZSJpj8ZfP ★ Xbox 360 RGH/JTAG Modding Tutorial Playlist: If you guys did enjoyed this video please be sure to leave a like and subscribe to my channel for more daily tutorials just like this! Hello everyone, welcome back to my channel for today's video I'll be showing you on how to successfully install XexMenu 1.2 & Dashlaunch for any JTAG/RGH 360 console.