(Click to Enlarge Image) This is a side view of a cervical spine (neck) with a degenerative disc at C5-6. The nerve roots exit through the sides of the spine. How does a Cervical degenerative disc disease look? Damage to the joints in the back of the neck (facets) A cervical MRI specifically scans the neck and are used to diagnose the cause of a patient’s neck pain, especially if the patient’s pain hasn’t subsided with basic treatment. The MRI images are very detailed, allowing the radiologist to see different types of tissue in the same organ. Magnetic resonance, several sagittal images searching for disk disease. Tell your doctor if you have diabetes or kidney problems if they want to use a contrast dye during the test. MR image of cervical spine, all segments - diagnostic radiology - showing disk herniation (C5-C6 level). How should I prepare for a cervical MRI? Ask your doctor if you can eat or drink before the scan, as protocols vary between facilities. You can think of it in the same way a slice of bread is a cross-section of a loaf of bread.Ī cervical MRI scan can show: A cervical MRI may also be ordered before or after spinal surgery. It’s an image of a cross-section of tissue. A cervical spine MRI scan is used to help diagnose: An individual MRI image is called a slice. The cervical spine is the portion of your spine that runs through your neck. What is the MRI scan of the cervical spine called? MRI of the Cervical Spine, axial T2-weighted image. Following an episode of significant trauma, the supporting structures of the cervical spine often require definitive imaging. This photo gallery presents the anatomical structures found on cervical spine MRI (T2-weighted axial and sagittal views). In particular, an MRI shows a cross-section of your tissue, and each cross section is so thin that a single MRI actually creates hundreds of images of your neck. Whereas an X-ray just shows your spine or neck bones, an MRI shows your soft tissues. What is the anatomy of the cervical spine? A cervical spine MRI is different from an X-ray, although both are imaging techniques. Can a disc protrusion be seen on a cervical MRI?Ī disc protrusion may be parasagittal and be visible in the midline T2 sagittal images, or lateral in the neuroforamen seen best on the T2 axials. Tell your doctor if you have diabetes or kidney problems if they want to use a contrast dye during the test. Can a cervical MRI be done before or after surgery?Ī cervical MRI scan can show: A cervical MRI may also be ordered before or after spinal surgery. Unlike computed tomography (CT) scan, MRI does not use radiation(7). Our results should be taken into account when interpreting the MRI findings in patients with symptomatic disorders of the cervical spine. MRI of the cervical spine uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed images of the bones at the back of the neck(6). The former, with demonstrable compression of the spinal cord, was observed in 7.6 of subjects, mostly over 50 years of age. How does an MRI of the cervical spine work?